I love the rim lighting effect that I got from Noah's window yesterday morning. I thought Katie's face was in focus, but alas, no such luck! She's always so curious about my camera (you'd think she'd look at it as a piece of furniture by now), and now that she's more mobile, whenever I try to take her picture, she starts crawling towards me, which instantly puts her out of focus. Woe is me :(
On the other hand, I did get a kooky one of Noah, sporting two pairs of emerald green shades.
Then there was the oh-so-cute brotherly love shot. I love this one. Before Katie was born, I worried constantly about Noah's reaction to our new addition. Little did I realize how much he would surprise me. I remember when he came to visit us at the hospital after Katie was born, sporting his "I'm a Big Brother" t-shirt. He seemed so accepting of her, it blew me away. It's almost a year later, and not to say we haven't had a few jealous streaks here and there, but I am still amazed and so proud when I see the two of them interacting together. You always feel that your baby has a special smile for you, but I can also see the special smile that Katie has for Noah. Obviously it's not illustrated in this shot, but it's definitely there. Her face just lights up when he talks and plays with her.
Truth be told, I think he was actually the reason why she was crying in this picture - oops.